Training suggestions that follow a scientific, and reinforcement driven model. 

Timeline reminders about helping a dog decompress, integrate with other residents and settle in. 

Trouble shooting common behavior woes and helpful suggestions on management, training and continued education resources.

Congratulations on adopting a new dog...Now what?

The hand out goes over basic understanding about how dogs process information, learning and common behavior concerns. Dogs who are newly adopted need a few considerations on integration into new homes, such as how to live with current residents. This is the ideal hand out for rescues to hand out with dog adoptions, or to new foster families helping with the pet over population issue. 

Pine Irwin

Pine is a multi-certified trainer with organizations like the Pet Professional Guild and Fear Free. A recognized speaker on platforms across the world Pine specializes in dealing with aggression related behavior concerns as well as helping dogs coming from feral and hoarding situations adjust to a softer way of life. Pine can be reached for virtual consults, speaking engagements, in person work and concierge services around the globe via email. [email protected] www.IrwinDogTraining.Com Facebook: Irwin Dog Training Instagram/Threads: @Hikerhund

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Free digital download for adopters, fosters and rescues to use. Stick around and check out additional learning material from Pine, or join the mailing list to find out more about working with Pine for dog behavior, training, and rescue support. 

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